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We support public policies that promote the discovery of innovative medicines and better access for those who need them

We work worldwide to achieve our mission and vision responsibly and respond to our many stakeholders’ needs and concerns.

To realise this, we strive to be articulate and transparent in our positions and views on key policy issues which have the potential to impact our business and the people we serve.


  • Download a PDF version of LEO Group Tax Approach here.
  • Download a PDF version of LEO Pharma's UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement here.
  • Download a PDF version of LEO Pharma Retirement Benefit Statement of Investment Principles here.
  • Download a PDF version of Implementation Statement for the LEO Pharma Retirement Benefits Plan here.
  • For disclosures about our payments to healthcare professionals, please see here
  • For information about our clinical trials and trial results, please see here.


If you require further information, please contact us

MAT-74553 June 2024